The beginning of spring is usually so fun and here at Hotel Karasuma Hoppa that is very true.
Nicely playing games outside with the teachers and school friends is a great way to enjoy cherry blossoms.
今回は英語担当の藤本が、HOPPAからすま京都ホテルのEnglish timeの時間をたっぷりとご紹介します!
満開の桜のもと、モルガン先生やスコット先生と英語でたくさんお話しながらお散歩を楽しみました 😉
HOPPAでは毎日、学年ごとに英語の時間(English time)を設けています。
いずれもEnglish teacherとバイリンガルの先生によるレッスンです。
さて、HOPPAからすま京都ホテルで、大人気のスコット先生のご紹介をさせていただきます 😀
Hello everyone!
For people who don’t know me, I’m Scott an English teacher here at Hoppa Karasuma Kyoto Hotel.
Like our students here I am starting a new year.
This is my second year and after all the fun from last year I am very excited about the new things that we will be doing this time around.
Our goals for the students are ambitious but we want to challenge them to always do their best no matter what they do in life.
You can expect that we will be focused on the core skills of English communication which includes: reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
The use of play, trips, songs, books, games, and crafts that allow the students to interact in a natural way with their English teachers will effectively increase the ability of each student to progress at a natural pace.
Please look for me around Hoppa!
HOPPAからすま京都ホテルには、スコット先生はじめ、アンジー先生、アリー先生、マドリーナ先生の4人のEnglish teacherが常駐しています。
そして、京進保育グループ English timeのヘッドティーチャーであるモルガン先生もいますよ 😀
English teacherとHOPPAキッズの活動の様子は今後もたっぷりとお届けしていく予定です!!