2018 July Monthly theme: Sea creatures(海のいきもの)Summer 夏
Rainy season will pass, and the days get hotter as the sun stays in the sky for longer.
Our themes for this month are “The Summer” and ” The Ocean”.
Water activities that keep the students cool will be covered.
Outdoor activities like hiking and camping and surfing help the students express their feelings about this time of the year.
Natural Locations where we find water such as the Ocean, rivers and lakes are identified.
Manmade locations like pools and waterparks also will be introduced.
Exploring the different celebrations in summer such as Gion Matsuri are a great opportunity for students to report about their adventures using the simple past tense and the themed vocabulary for the month.
Finally, learning vocabulary for the Ocean’s Animal life, Plant life, and natural formations will be covered.
Summer is full of potential FUN English!
**intelligenceはハワードガード氏提唱「多重知能理論」を指しています **
**English timeの様子**
HOPPAからすま京都ホテルには現在4名のEnglish teacherが常駐しています。
English timeについて詳しくはこちらのページをご覧ください。