【Monthly theme】family家族 【Sub-Monthly theme】jobs仕事
This month at HOPPA Karasuma Kyoto Hotel we will learn how to refer to all family members in English.
今月のHOPPAからすま京都ホテルのEnglish timeはこんなことをします。
The children will use this vocabulary in phrases such as: ‘I love my mother/father because.
We will also learn about the proper pronouns to use we speaking about family members – ‘She is my mother’. Vs. ‘He is my father.’ etc
We will also learn about common occupations, and their names and duties in English.
The children will have fun thinking about what they want to be when they grow up.
By the end of the month the children will be able to have the following conversation:
A. What do you want to be when you grow up?
B. I want to be a lawyer when I grow up.
Let’s all have a wonderful time learning about the family and dreaming about our future careers!
A. 博物的知能
B. 空間的知能
C. 身体運動的知能
D. 論理数学的知能
E. 対人的知能
F. 言語的知能
G. 音楽的知能
English time詳しくはこちらのページをご覧ください。