【Monthly theme】The House(家)
【Sub-Monthly theme】Furniture, Chores, Winter (家具、家事、冬)
On our first day back at HOPPA Karasuma Kyoto Hotel(January 4th), we will have a New Year Celebration.
We will welcome back the students one by one and discuss with them what they did during their winter holiday.
皆はどんなお正月を過ごしたか先生にお話ししてくださいね 😛
During January, we will learn the rooms of the house, their function and what kind of furniture there is in each room.
They will learn phrases such as
– Where is the bed? / The bed is in the bedroom.
– What do you do in the bedroom? / I sleep in the bedroom.
We will also learn about the chores we need to do around the house and encourage the children to help mommy and daddy with them.
A. 博物的知能
B. 空間的知能
C. 身体運動的知能
D. 論理数学的知能
E. 対人的知能
F. 言語的知能
G. 音楽的知能
English time詳しくはこちらのページをご覧ください。