3月25日(火)から4月9日(水)まで2025年度Spring School🌸を開催します。
そんなSpring Schoolがはじまる前に…。
Winter School2024の振り返りをしたいと思います✨
京進の学童保育HOPPAからすま京都ホテルに常駐しているMatt先生にWinter Schoolで1番心に残った数珠作り体験についてブログを書いてもらいました😊
When you think of happiness, what color comes to mind?
Do you sometimes feel a little “blue” on a rainy day?
Well, it turns out that there is more to colors than meets the eye!
The bright and bubbly children of Kyoshin Gakudou got to enjoy a fine mix of psychology and spirituality by making Juzu beads with our wonderful special guests from the Hankei 5m Shop at Karasuma Hotel!
The children were given a sheet of paper with a list of emotions and asked to scribble a color next to the corresponding emotion.
All of the children shared their various and introspective ideas on color and feelings.
After they matched the feelings to the colors, they enjoyed making Juzu bracelets that reflected their unique personalities.
The children had so much fun.
Nobody was “feeling blue” on this day!
2025年Spring Schoolもみなさんとたくさんの思い出を作れることを楽しみにしています✨
🌟京進の学童保育 HOPPAからすま京都ホテルのアクセス・お問い合わせはコチラ🌟