京進グループの保育園、幼稚園、認定こども園では、English teacherと子どもたちが共に過ごしています。
オリジナルプログラムのEnglish timeはもちろんのこと、レッスン以外の日常の時間もEnglish teacherと過ごすことで、子どもたちは自然と英語に親しんでいます。
ご家族や保育士の先生の話す日本語を耳で覚えるのと同じように、English teacherが話す英語を耳から吸収することで、自らも英語で話す姿を見ることができるようになりました。
今回のブログでは、昨年度卒園した5歳児さんがEnglish teacherとお話しする様子を動画でご紹介します。ヘッドティーチャーのモルガン先生による、「ここがすごい!」というポイントも合わせてご覧くださいませ!
HOPPAガーデンビュー千葉駅前 5歳児
She can have a basic conversation and answer using sentences. She can understand a variety of different topics from questions about herself and what she likes to counting and reading.

HOPPAパークシティ武蔵小杉 5歳児①
She understands and knows difficult words like “werewolf, eyebrows and elbow”. These are words we don’t usually use on a daily basis.
彼女は「werewolf(狼男), eyebrows(眉毛), elbow(肘)」のような日常ではふだんあまり口にすることのない難しい単語を知っています。
“R” and “V” are difficult letters to pronounce for many Japanese people but she can pronounce them very well. You can hear it when she says “carrot, rabbit or vegetables”.
「carrot, rabbit, vegetables」の彼女の発音はとても上手です。

HOPPAパークシティ武蔵小杉 5歳児②
Her English sounds very natural. She was able to react in English to some comments and answer difficult questions perfectly using past tense when she talked about when she went to the beach, which is usually difficult for children.
Children of her age usually can’t answer using past tense. It’s very difficult but she did it perfectly.
She used the perfect sentence “it was sunny”, “it was sky blue” (talking about the inner tube), “it was pink” (talking about her bathing suit” and when she described her bathing suit, she didn’t just say it was blue, she specified it was sky blue. Usually, children only know basic colors so I think it’s great she can use more details to describe the color.
Her pronunciation is very good when she corrected the teacher and said “under the parasol” is a good example.
発音がとても上手です。先生の間違いを訂正して「under the parasol」と言ったときの発音はその良い例です。

~ヘッドティーチャー モルガン先生よりメッセージ~
At Hoppa, children are exposed to English from a very young age, before they can even walk.
Each school has an English teacher who is not only there for the lessons but also to play and assist children all day. English teachers go around the different classes and help during lunch time, snack time, naptime and playtime.
Hoppa では、乳幼児期から英語に触れています。歩けるようになるよりも先に英語に触れています。
各園にはEnglish teacherがいて、レッスンの時間だけでなく、子どもたちと一緒に一日中遊んだり、活動を支援したりしています。
English teacherは各クラスを巡回して、昼休み、おやつの時間、昼寝の時間、遊びの時間を手伝っています。
Children and teachers go on walks together; play together and learn together. Children get used to English and are exposed to another culture from a young age. All year long teachers cover different topics and have fun lessons using songs, games and cards.
子どもたちとEnglish teacherは一緒に散歩に行きます。 一緒に遊んで、一緒に学びます。 子どもたちは幼い頃から英語に慣れ、異文化に触れます。
At Hoppa we focus on understanding, speaking, reading and writing.
The first step is understanding, before children can even talk or speak English, they can understand what the teacher says. Then, little by little they start using words and making sentences. By the time they go to elementary school, they can understand a lot and have easy conversations like in the videos.
Hoppa では、理解すること、話すこと、読むこと、書くことに重点を置いています。

子どもたちにとってより良いレッスンをするためにEnglish teacherがそれぞれに自己研鑽に励んでいます。
