★英語と知育の保育園 HOPPA世田谷経堂にはネイティブの英語の先生が常駐しています!

Hello everyone, my name is Andre and I am excited to be the new English teacher for Capella class at Hoppa Setagaya Kyodo!

Teaching is my passion and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to share my love of English with the Capella kids. Previously, I was the main English teacher at Hoppa Towashinsui for three years, and I am confident that I can provide a dynamic and engaging learning experience for all of my students.
以前は、HOPPA東和親水の英語の先生として 3 年間務めていました。

This year, Capella class will explore a variety of themes, each with their own unique games and activities. In the month of May, we will learn about animals and bugs and engage in a fun safari game. In June, we will focus on food, days of the week, and months of the year. July will bring us to the topic of clothes, weather, and seasons. August is all about summer and sea creatures, and in September we will learn about sports and actions.
6 月は、食べ物、曜日、月に焦点を当てます。7月は服装、天気、季節の話題になります。
October brings Halloween festivities, followed by a November focus on places and transportation. In December, we will learn about Christmas and Santa, while January will be all about occupations and tools. Finally, February will be a review month to ensure that the kids have learned everything they need to know, and March will focus on rooms of the house and school vocabulary.
10 月にはハロウィーンのお祭りを開催。11 月には場所と交通機関に焦点を当てますよ。 12月はクリスマスとサンタについて、1月は職業と道具について学びます。
最後に、2 月は子どもたちが学んだことを確認するための復習月で、3 月は家と学校の語彙に焦点を当てます。

On top of that, we will have reading/writing lessons daily, at first we will work on phonics and color all the ABCs with crayons and in the near future we will start tracing with actual pencils, this will help children learn how to properly hold crayons and pencils and help them build muscle memory for when they start doing the more complex writing sheets.
その上で、読み書きのレッスンを毎日行います。最初はフォニックスに取り組み、クレヨンですべての ABC に色を付けます。

Throughout the year, we will create a fun and inclusive environment for all students. We believe that every child is unique and cater our lessons to meet their individual needs. We encourage our students to ask questions, be curious, and have fun while learning English.

I am excited to be a part of Capella class and look forward to an amazing year with my students. Thank you for welcoming me, and let’s get started on our English learning adventure!
