★英語と知育の保育園 HOPPA世田谷経堂にはネイティブの英語の先生が常駐しています!

Welcome to Vega Class at HOPPA Setagaya Kyodo! We are excited to introduce our premium English program for the year, which is designed to help our students grow and improve their English language skills through a range of fun and exciting activities.

Throughout the year, we will be exploring a variety of themes, Animals and Bugs, body Parts and Feelings, Food, Clothing, Weather and Seasons, Sea Creatures and Summer, Sports and Actions, Halloween, Transportation Places and Buildings, Christmas and Toys, Occupations and Tools, House and School. Each theme has been carefully selected to ensure that our students have a well-rounded vocabulary and understanding of different aspects of the English language.

We believe that the best way to learn is through being active and engaged, and that’s why our program is packed with fun activities and games for each theme. For example, when we study animals, we may have a scavenger hunt where students search for pictures of different animals and label them in English. Or, when we learn about sports and actions, we may play a game of charades where students act out different sports and actions while their classmates guess what they are saying in English.

In addition to these fun activities, the Vega class will also be focusing on essential English language skills such as vocabulary, sentence structure, grammar, reading, and writing. We understand the importance of building a strong foundation in these areas, and we will be dedicating ample time to ensure that our students have a solid English language base.
Throughout the year, our students will have the opportunity to participate in group activities and discussions, all designed to help them improve their communication skills and build their confidence in speaking English. For example, we may have a debate on the pros and cons of different types of food when we learn about food, or we may have a group discussion about our favourite things to do in different seasons when we learn about weather and seasons.
In February, we will have a review month to cover all the topics we have learned throughout the year. This will give our students the opportunity to refresh their memory and ensure that they have retained all the knowledge they have acquired.
2 月には、1 年を通して学んだすべてのトピックをカバーする復習月間があります。

Our team of experienced and dedicated English teachers is committed to providing the best possible learning experience for our students. We believe that a positive and encouraging learning environment is essential for our students to succeed, and we are confident that our students will thrive in Vega Class this year.
We can’t wait to see the progress our students make throughout the year and are excited to witness their growth and development as English speakers. With our premium English program, we are confident that our students will be well-equipped to succeed in their future academic and professional endeavours. Let’s have a fantastic year together in Vega Class!
