Hello everyone! Here at HOPPA Setagaya Kyodo, we are excited to let you all know about what we have been working on in our programming lessons this term!
The world of programming is a brand new aspect for the Capella children, but they have already gained some great skills this term, from finding small patterns in sequences, creating their own patterns to create loops in a sequence as well as understanding the importance of “order of events”.
The children started by listening to careful instructions given by the teacher to decorate three Dragon Eggs, ensuring that they use the correct size and color as well as combining sizes and colors (Only Blue Small) etc!
The children also learned the importance of ordering, and how if events are completed in the incorrect order, the goal cannot be achieved, an example was when cleaning up toys the order of events goes (Teacher says “Clean Up”) > (Get toy box) > (Pick up toys) > (Place toys into toy box) > (Put toy box away) as well as constructing magnetic pictures in certain orders, where the children had to create flowers, birds, robots and even police cars, the children noticed that if they placed the magnets in the wrong order, it didn’t look correct, for example, the if the wheels of a car was placed first, and the car body over the top, the wheels would not be visible. Overall, Capella has gained some great foundation skills in programming and we look forward to showing you how they blossom in our next lessons.
The children then played a popular game called Hopscotch (Gu-Pa) where they had to find patterns in a sequence (gu-pa-pa) pa gu (gu-pa-pa), after finding patterns successfully, they created their own patterns for their friends to try!
Our Sirius classes have experience in using a very special Robot called Cubetto, which can be programmed using functional to make the robot move in various ways: “Turn Left” “Turn Right” “Back” and “Straight”.
Mastering left and right as well as figuring out how a robot will move with different sequences can be a huge challenge for children, so we have created a very wonderful new curriculum for our Vega students to prepare the students for this.
This curriculum focuses mainly on becoming robots themselves and creating/following sequenced plans in order to feel how a robot would move using their bodies. To give the children the best learning experience possible, we have used carefully crafted materials for the children to use during their programming lessons.
To mimic the Cubetto experience, we used a large scale 5×5 square grid map, which the children used to navigate from start points to various different “Goals”. The children not only the opportunity to be robots, but also be the controller/programmer.
The children have worked individually using their independent thinking and planning skills, as well as working as a team where they controlled their partners movements to complete tasks given to them by the teacher! The Vega class has done a wonderful job this term, and we are all excited to see them progress in our next lessons, we look forward to updating you soon!
This term our Sirius class have become masters of Cubetto, they have gained the ability to navigate the 5×5 grid to reach various goals using all of the navigational function blocks, as well as a very special “Sequence” block (The blue block).
They have managed to be able to find patterns in sequences, and use these patterns to create loops as well as repeating the actions in a sequence several times, using the blue block.
They have also learned how to use programming competitively, where they played a popular game of “Tag you’re it” where the children had to use their efficiency to plan routes to catch their opponent robot as quickly as possible before it escaped of the map!
After mastering all of these skills, we moved on to use a very special iPad application called Scratch Jr, in these lessons the children are applying all the skills they had learned with Cubetto, to be able to create some wonderful animations, navigating characters across coordinates on 20×15 grid, they have also learned new skills on how to make the character, jump, fade and even get larger and smaller.
The children have also learned to program using “Cause and Effect” where certain actions cause other actions to trigger, for example, the children created several linked programs where a cat ate an apple and it became larger, then the apple disappeared!
The Sirius class are doing great, and we can’t wait to update you with our future lessons soon, so watch this space!
このような力を身につけたシリウスさんは、次に”Scratch Jr”というタブレットプログラミング教材のレッスンをスタートしています。
キュベットレッスンを通して、命令を順序正しく組み立てることや、「くり返し」の処理をすることが既に習得できているので、Scratch Jrレッスンでは、それらを応用してキャラクターをプログラムし、アニメーションやゲームを作っていきます。毎回の課題で、キャラクターを上下に動かしたり、大きくしたり小さくしたり、消したり現れるようにしたり…様々な動きをプログラムしています。
Scratch Jrレッスンでは、さらに「条件if」処理も遊びながら習得していきます。例えばこの課題、ネコはリンゴを食べると大きくなって、リンゴは(食べられて)消えてしまいます。