子どもたちの様子 京進の学童保育 HOPPAからすま京都ホテル
2020 Summer School Part.2

「最高級の環境で最上級の教育を」 HOPPAの学童保育 “THE HOPPA ROYAL KIDS”

Hello there!

It is Allie here with a blog about the start of summer!

アリー先生がROYAL KIDSのこの夏のサマースクールの様子をご紹介します❤

As you know, when it is summer we have lots of fun events planned for our students.


With the summer heat, we thought it would be lots of fun to make our own hand fans for the summer!

Look at how cute they turned out  😉



As much as I love giving the kids theme to follow for an activity, I gave them the freedom to create something that they wanted to design on their own.

THE HOPPA ROYAL KID’s creativity was very impressive.

The girls above made their fans with the theme of summer.

As they were making their fans, they enjoyed talking with their friends and sharing ideas.

But how did we go about the process of making them?


First: I gave the students a sheet with the shape of the fan on both sides.

They needed to pre-draw their pictures before getting the main sheet for the hand fan.

During this time the ROYAL KIDS needed to think about the theme, size, contents, and colors they wanted to use.

Second: After the initial idea was on paper the students drew them on the main sheets.

Third: With the pictures down, the next step was to color the two pictures

Fourth: Stick she sheets together on the fan!

Every fan had its own personality❤


After we had a delicious lunch with lots of laughs!

As you know, we do not only have fun activities, but the children work hard on their studies.

Below is a photo of before lunch and after lunch. During SUMMER SCHOOL at the ROYAL KIDS, we use our time wisely.

A typical afternoon looks like this:

Everyone works very hard to improve their test scores!

With that, I think I will end the blog here.

Next time I will tell you about DAY TWO and DAY FOUR.

There may even be a fun little video!

Please stay tuned in for more!



🌟京進の学童保育 HOPPAからすま京都ホテルのアクセス・お問い合わせはコチラ🌟



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