「最高級の環境で最上級の教育を」 HOPPAの学童保育 “THE HOPPA ROYAL KIDS”
How is everyone doing?
Can you believe it is already summer?
I can’t!!!
It is Allie here to tell you about how SUMMER SCHOOL is going at the HOPPA ROYAL KIDS.
There is lots I want to share with you!
Before we talk about summer can I tell you about the events leading up?
Let’s start!
This year we had our own special TANABATA PARTY!
Students wrote their wishes down.
We started off the party by reading a story and talking about the meaning of TANABATA.
After we enjoyed eating snacks together.
Then it was back to lesson time!
The week before summer school:
The week before summer, school was ending before lunch.
The children were all studying hard.
A typical afternoon included the main lessons, ENGLISH SPEECH practice, ONDOKU, DAIRY(日記), and BOOK REPORTS(読書感想文).
On the days when there was extra time, there was ENGLISH STORY TIME.
Everyone loves The Elephant and Piggie books.
Royal dinner:
We started the summer off with a dinner party…well to be exact, a ROYAL DINNER.
Everyone was so happy for the school break and to eat with their friends.
Next ROYAL DINNER we will have a special FRENCH menu!
The kids can’t wait.
Please check for the next blog!
It will be a fun one~
🌟京進の学童保育 HOPPAからすま京都ホテルのアクセス・お問い合わせはコチラ🌟