今回のブログは、ネイティブ講師のダニー先生が幼児クラスのEnglish timeの様子をお届けします!
It’s the start of the New School Year and the first month has already flew by, they say time flies when you’re having fun!
This month at Hoppa Setagaya Kyodo, students have learnt all about “Bodies and Feelings” as our monthly Main Theme that they really enjoyed.
HOPPA世田谷経堂では、4月のEnglish timeテーマ「身体と感情」について学びましたよ。
We studied about all the body parts from the most basic head to feet, to the more complex such as ankles, knuckles, elbows and shoulders and many more.We all have our own bodies so what better way to learn than by pointing to each part and saying “This is my wrist” as well as many other theme related sentences.
“Where are your ankles” asked Danny Sensei
“My ankles are here, I have two” replied the student
It is very important to be able to convey your feelings in any language, so this month our classrooms morphed into a HOPPA doctor’s surgery this month in April where we had lessons full of English role plays. In these role plays we worked on our conversational skills where we described how we feel, mixing “Body Parts” and “Feelings”.
今月のEnglish timeでは、HOPPAの教室は病院ごっこの会場へと早変わり!英語でロールプレイをしました✨
“What’s wrong?” asked Danny Sensei
“I have a headache” replied the student
On top of all this wonderful content, we have been working hard daily with our reading and writing skills, the children’s letters are becoming so much more legible, and they are starting to understand that sometimes taking time and writing slowly can bring great results.
Danny and Nora are extremely happy and excited to have been given the wonderful opportunity to teach and provide a variety of valuable and everlasting knowledge to the wonderful students of the ‘’2020-21’’ class here at HOPPA Setagaya Kyodo!