
With the success of our last School Field Trip to Kawagoe at the start of the year, we thought we’d get our winter hats and jackets out and head out on another adventure in November!
This time we took many trains to get to our final destination Kazamasturi station in the wonderful Hakone! After gathering at the station bright and early, we got into our groups with our designated teacher and took the all familiar Odakyu line from Kyodo – Machida. The children realized there was not enough seats for everyone so they carefully stuck with their teacher for safety, but standing gave them a wonderful opportunity to look out the window and see all the wonderful sights.
When we arrived at Machida we changed to the wonderful Romance Car which took us all the way to Odawara, along the way we could see out of the very big windows yet again.

“What can you see?” asked Danny Sensei
“I can see a big mountain” replied the children!

When we finally arrived in Odawara, we took our final train on the Hakone-Tozantetsudo Line which took us to our final destination in Hakone (Kazamatsuri).
When we departed the station, we headed straight to our cooking lesson at a Kamaboko Museum, where we got to try and make our very own Chikuwa after watching a professional show us how.
We Squished, Squeezed and Rolled our ingredients until we all made our very own sticks of Chikuwa before finally placing them on a special oven to cook to nice golden brown color.



Whilst we was waiting for our Chikuwa to finish cooking, we headed to lunch at a luxurious restaurant next door, where we all got to eat some delicious foods such as Fried Potatoes, Shrimp and Chicken, Tamagoyaki, Hamburger, Salad and of course some fresh locally produced Kamaboko, finally to satify our sweet tooth, we had a mouthwatering desert of sponge cake and fruit salad!
そこでは、フライドポテト、エビ、チキン、玉子焼き、ハンバーガー、サラダなどの美味しい料理を食べました♪その他にも、地元産のカマボコ、スポンジケーキとフルーツサラダのおいしいデザートも食べましたよ 😉

After our tummies were nice and full and our bodies were heated up from the nice warm tea, we headed back to the nearby museum and explored all the floors where we took a look at all the wonderful art and foods, as well playing in the children’s super fun play zone!
After we burned off all our energy, we went to collect our freshly made Chikuwa before heading back home on the Romance Car and relaxed in the super comfy chairs after a long fun filled day in Hakone, bringing back many new memories and stories to tell all our friends and family about back home!


What an exciting trip, we can’t wait for the next adventure here at HOPPA Setagaya, Kyodo! Thank you everyone, Danny Sensei.