「最高級の環境で最上級の教育を」 HOPPAの学童保育 “THE HOPPA ROYAL KIDS”
11月10日(日)に行われた、KOKA ENGLISH CONTEST にTHE HOPPA ROYAL KIDS生(小学校2年生)が参加し、なんと京都銀行賞を受賞しました!
今回はそのスピーチコンテスト当日の様子を THE HOPPA ROYAL KIDS専属スタッフのアリー先生がお届けします♬
Hello there!!
It is Allie here with another blog!
Recently we had a speech competition with one of our students!
On November 10th, we went to Koka University for the 3rd annual Koka English Contest.
He did such a good job on the stage and really made the speech his own!
One of his classmates from THE HOPPA ROYAL KIDS came to support him!!
It was so kind~
You can see the students that come to THE HOPPA ROYAL KIDS are like family.
当日は、なんとROYAL KIDSの仲間が応援に駆けつけてくれましたよ😊
ROYAL KIDSの仲間たちは本当に家族のようにあたたかくて、とてもやさしい仲間たちです💛
仲間が駆けつけてくれたことで、リラックスをして臨み、出場したROYAL KIDS生は自分らしく、堂々ととても素敵なスピーチをしてくれましたよ😊
There was a special guest speaker.
His name was Jeff Berglund.
He spoke about how to make an impression when you do a speech and speak English.
An interesting point He made was that when you walk on the stage you want to become some else and erase yourself.
You do this by walking on stage, standing still, bowing (his advice), saying the title, and starting.
When you do your speech, it is good to move your hands but not so much your body. Facing forward is key.
Sometimes you can see this happen when there are two characters in a speech talking to each other.
By changing your eye-level and tilt of the head you can accomplish the same thing.
I am excited to try with my students!
After it was time for the award ceremony!
And guess what?
My student got an award.
It was an award from the sponsor.
The sponsor was 京都銀行賞.
Thank you so much!
I am so proud of him!
He really made an effort to speak loudly in front of an audience.
今回見事にスポンサー賞(京都銀行賞)✨を受賞したROYAL KIDS生!
受賞したROYAL KIDS生はこのスピーチコンテストに出場するために一生懸命努力し、とても良く頑張ってくれました。
Thank you for reading!
I hope you have a good day!
★資料請求・ご見学は、問い合わせフォーム もしくはお電話でお問合せ下さい。(☎075-353-7561 ※担当・マサキ)
★ 京都 四条烏丸 からすま京都ホテル4階です(京都の民間学童保育)
★ THE HOPPA ROYAL KIDSのFacebookでは、活動の様子を動画を更新中♪
🌟京進の学童保育 HOPPAからすま京都ホテルのアクセス・お問い合わせはコチラ🌟