「最高級の環境で最上級の教育を」 HOPPAの学童保育 “THE HOPPA ROYAL KIDS”
今回はTHE HOPPA ROYAL KIDS専属のアリー先生がお届けします♡
Hello everyone!
It is Allie!
I would like to give you an update on how our summer is going at the Royal Kids.
We have been enjoying our summer!!
This week lots of students are out traveling.
Our number was small today, but we enjoyed taking our time on the activity.
The morning started with an English lesson.
After we had a break.
Recently the student love to make these 3D object with the origami paper.
Next, we moved on to the activity.
Some of our students needed to draw and paint a picture for school.
One student had the theme of “明るい選挙.”
They needed to make a cheerful poster.
Other students could choose an event from there summer.
I think making WAGASHI (traditional Japanese sweets) was the highlight of the summer so far.
Every year, it is very popular!
After the students cleaned up and washed their materials all by themselves.
As the day continues, the students went back to their normal English and Japanese studies.
Because the students are here from the morning, you can see a drastic improvement in the study skills.
They are so smart!!
Thank you for reading the blog~
Until next time!
🌟京進の学童保育 HOPPAからすま京都ホテルのアクセス・お問い合わせはコチラ🌟