

さて、HOPPA世田谷の夏の活動は水遊びだけでは終わりません!今回のブログでは、夏のEnglish timeの様子をネイティブのダニー先生が紹介します✨
Get your swimsuits out and get ready to splish and splash your way through this steaming hot summer!
Japanese summer can be excruciatingly hot, but what better way to cool off, than have a daily water play session right here on the terrace of Hoppa Setagaya Kyodo. We will play a variety of summer and water related games/activities which will tie nicely into our English curriculum’s theme this month (Summer and Ocean).
今月はEnglish timeカリキュラムのテーマ(夏と海)と結び付け、夏と水に関連する様々なゲーム/アクティビティを行います。
This month we will be sure to captivate the minds of the children here at Hoppa with our new themed content. We will dive deep into the ocean and discover what is lurking around, from fish and dolphins, to sharks and whales, who knows what we’ll discover!!!
Have you got what it takes to escape the sharks in this month’s ‘Shark Attack’ Game? You better get those armbands ready!
We will also be discussing all the activities that we can do during the glorious summer time!
“What do you do in summer?” Asks Danny Sensei
“I go swimming at the beach” Replies the student
We hope see see you all join us here at Hoppa Setagaya Kyodo – Happy Summer everyone!
今月のゲームは「Shark Attack」!ゲームの中でサメから逃げるために必要なものはなんでしょう?みんなで準備します!