今回のブログでは、そんなダニー先生が4月の園内の様子をお届けします 😀

This month at Hoppa Setagaya Kyodo,April brings excitement with our first set of themes for the year!!
The 2019-2020 official curriculum for premium schools has been crafted! 2019/20 will be filled with a plethora of fun, exciting English themed classes, activities and games and we are excited as English Native Teachers to introduce our new students the wonderful world of the English language, as well as give them tools to use what they have learnt each month in real life situations.
HOPPA世田谷経堂の4月のEnglish timeも盛り上がりましたよ!!
2019-2020 English timeカリキュラムが出来あがりました!今年度も、アクティビティーやゲームなど、盛りだくさんに行っていきます。
In April, to give a solid foundation to the children’s English Language, we will be integrating two themes Bodies and Feelings.
To aid the children’s learning, we will conduct classes filled with fun songs, games and activities in the classroom, as well as full sentence conversation building in groups, pairs and individually to build the children’s confidence with regards to speaking out loud. With all this fun and exciting new content, we are sure to captivate the minds of our students this year and develop a love for the English Language!
4月のEnglish timeテーマは身体と感情の2つです。
“Where are your shoulders” Danny Sensei asks a student…
The student answers.“Here are my shoulders, I have 2 shoulders”
“The body” is a great way to introduce English and as Native English Teachers we plan to discover new ways to use our bodies and explain through the use of English: “I can stamp my feet, Danny Sensei”

During April we have also used our English during all activity times, especially when taking walks outside or going to the park.
This month the children got to learn all about the wonderful Japanese Cherry Blossom season through the use of English, as well as learning safety commands when going outside. Look both ways, Hands up, Lets cross the road, Walk Slowly.

“What kind of tree is that?” “It is a Cherry Blossom Tree”

We Also have a theme related Craft at the end of the month to help the children bring out their creative side whilst speaking English. What better way to finish the month with a special Easter egg hunt, where the children must use their independent thinking skills to solve clues in English to find the all the eggs. Happy Hunting 😀
子どもたちの創造性を育む為、月末のEnglish timeではテーマに関連した製作も行いました。製作の時間も、英語を使いながら活動しています♪
Thank you everyone!