「最高級の環境で最上級の教育を」 HOPPAの学童保育 “THE HOPPA ROYAL KIDS”
盛り沢山なスプリングスクール! (4月新規入室生若干名募集中!)
This blog is brought to you by Allie!
Are you ready for part two?
You may remember, in the last blog, the children went to the Monkey Park in Arashiyama.
今回はその後の様子をお届けします 😎
After returning to THE HOPPA ROYAL KIDS, the children ate lunch, relaxed a little and then went to work studying.
In the afternoon lesson, everybody wrote about their exciting adventure in the morning.
For starters, I gave the students a topic sentence.
“On April third, I went to Arashiyama with THE ROYAL KIDS.”
From there the children came up with their own sentences.
During the SPRING SCHOOL at THE HOPPA ROYAL KIDS, I was able to work closely with the students on their writing skills.
This year, more students joined our daily lessons.
Every child is expected to perform according to their own level of English.
Our goal is to build our students confidence in English and not push them to perform.
In order to prepare for the Eiken tests in the future, it is important that the children are given chances to write.
THE HOPPA ROYAL KIDSでは英検も受検しています。(過去受験の様子はこちら!)
Recently for the Grade 3 test the children were required to write a few sentences by themselves.
To prepare for the test, I had my Grade 3 students practice more writing compositions.
At first it was hard, but they were able to find their own writing styles.
For the lesson, I had the children write what they wanted to at first.
Afterwards, I asked them to copy what they wrote with the corrections.
This is where the children needed to look back at their work and practice writing with the correct grammar and spelling.
From there, they were given a clean sheet to write their final work on.
With the ROYAL KIDS, I always try to give them interesting topics to write about.
Thank you for tuning into this blog!
Until the next one!
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♪京都 四条烏丸 からすま京都ホテル4階です(京都の民間学童保育)
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