「最高級の環境で最上級の教育を」 HOPPAの学童保育 “THE HOPPA ROYAL KIDS”
今回はTHE HOPPA ROYAL KIDS のEnglish time担当のアリー先生が英語でお届けします 😎
Today, this blog is brought to you by Allie!
It has been a long time!
I hope everyone is doing well.
The ROYAL KIDS are always studying hard and are working hard to improve their English skills.
I am so impressed with how the children have improved since the New Year!
BUT~ Todays` blogs is not about studying…
Today I want to share with you how the SPRING SCHOOL integrates English into activities too!
Today we went on a long walk together and found a new park!
The park was far, but it was worth it!
I let the ROYAL KIDS decide what park they wanted to go to by looking at a street map.
Everyone chose 光徳公園 (Kotoku Park)!
There were lots of new activities we could do.
In English they were given the directions on how to use the sports equipment.
In the spring, the weather is so beautiful.
We were thankful for the great weather here in Kyoto.
At the park we picked up CHERRY BLOSSOM flowers on the ground.
After playing and running around, we headed back to THE ROYAL KIDS for lunch.
When the children finished eating, they made BOOKMARKS with blossoms we found on the ground.
I hope the ROYAL KIDS can remember the day we went to the park together in the future.
It was a wonderful adventure with the ROYAL KIDS and I will not forget it!
Thank you!!
THE HOPPA ROYAL KIDSには、English teacherのアリー先生が常駐。
まさにインターナショナルスクールのような環境がTHE HOPPA ROYAL KIDSにはあります。
🌟京進の学童保育 HOPPAからすま京都ホテルのアクセス・お問い合わせはコチラ🌟