「最高級の環境で最上級の教育を」 HOPPAの学童保育 “THE HOPPA ROYAL KIDS”
大人気のアリ―先生ブログ 第3弾です♪(前回のブログはコチラから)
今回は京都文化博物館「いつだって猫展」に遠足に行った時の様子と、THE HOPPA ROYAL KIDSでのレッスンの様子をボリュームたっぷりにアリー先生がご紹介します。
This blog is brought to you by Allie.
This is PART 1 of this months` blog series!
I hope you enjoy~.
Last Wednesday we went on our first field trip of the year!
Do you know about the “We Love Cats Anytime” exhibit at the Museum of Kyoto?
We went to learn about cats through paintings, fans, and figurines!
We walked all the way from THE HOPPA ROYAL KIDS to the Museum of Kyoto.
The rain could not stop us!
English teacherとの課外授業も、THE HOPPA ROYAL KIDSならでは。
アリー先生はEnglish time担当として毎日THE HOPPA ROYAL KIDSに常駐しています。
As you can guess, the kids loved the Beckoning Cat(招き猫) and Bake Neko. (バケ猫)
Those were the most popular with the group!
After exploring, the kids played in an interactive corner.
With magnets they could dress up cats in clothing from the Edo Period.
ROYAL KIDSに大人気だった招き猫にバケ猫。
I wonder if we can do any of the activities from this table at THE HOPPA ROYAL KIDS…Stay tuned for the next blog!
実はこの遊びをTHE HOPPA ROYAL KIDSのお部屋でもやってみました!
……… But what is a normal Wednesday like?
On a normal Wednesday at the HOPPA ROYAL KIDS, we have a reading lesson!
Today we are reading the Red Planet from the Oxford Learning Tree.
In June we will start reading Lost in the Jungle!!
THE HOPPA ROYAL KIDS 水曜日の英語レッスンは「リーディング」。
6月は “Lost in the jungle”の絵本を読んでいますよ♪
小学1年生、2年生とは思えない、さすがはTHE HOPPA ROYAL KIDSの姿です。
THE HOPPA ROYAL KIDSのデイリースケジュールはコチラをご覧ください♪
Until next time!!
🌟京進の学童保育 HOPPAからすま京都ホテルのアクセス・お問い合わせはコチラ🌟